When you visit our site, small text files called cookies are downloaded to your device. These files contain information about you, your preferences, or your device, and they are crucial for the website's proper functioning.

Types of Cookies

Our website utilizes two types of cookies:

  1. Own Cookies: These cookies are sent from our servers or domains to your device and are used to provide the services you have requested.
  2. Third-Party Cookies: These cookies are sent from servers or domains operated by organizations other than us with whom we cooperate.

Cookies can also be classified based on their duration:

  1. Session Cookies: These temporary cookies are stored in your cookie file until you leave our website. They assist in analyzing web traffic patterns and improving the content and user experience.
  2. Persistent Cookies: These cookies are kept on your hard drive and are read by the website each time you visit. They have a fixed expiration date and cease to function after that date.

Managing Cookies

By default, most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. However, if you do not wish to consent to use cookies or want to withdraw your consent at any time on your device, you can delete or block cookies through your settings. Please note - disabling or blocking some or all cookies may impact the functionality and access to the website.